Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The Human Art of "Strange Making" & "Strange Being"

Feeling and looking strange was something I got used to last summer in Cameroon and something I am trying to prepare myself for again...although I found that no preparation would or could ever really suffice. Perhaps one of the hardest lessons I had to learn was to go with the flow: to lose time, the time that has bound the only existence I have ever known...the hours and minutes that have defined my life. Instead I slowly faced the reality that in some parts of the world you can only rely on the happenings of life and the mood of the sun in moments only it owns...

...So, you let your 'host sisters' tie things on your head and you try to look serious while feeling ridiculous!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

the countryside Posted by Picasa

The Welcoming Committe...my first day in Cameroon last summer 2005 Posted by Picasa

Marina in the Rain Posted by Picasa

My neighbor's baby Shauna Posted by Picasa

The Peanut Gallery Posted by Picasa

Sui-with our snack Posted by Picasa

Irene and Family in Mbah Posted by Picasa

A friend Posted by Picasa

The Whole Gang! Posted by Picasa

Felice' and Friends at the Orphanage-celebrating his First Communion Posted by Picasa

The chore of "cleaning" their shoes! Posted by Picasa

Beautiful... Posted by Picasa

The 'Jokester' Posted by Picasa

My good friend Benedict Posted by Picasa

My neighbor at work... Posted by Picasa

The Clan Posted by Picasa

Achiri and her new shades Posted by Picasa

Vaccine Day at the Public Health Clinic Posted by Picasa